Massive number of projects are being dropped on Telegram Every day, in which standing at the top spot is not an easy task. And TON Station has entered in top 15 most played airdrop projects on Telegram.
TON Station’s app/game has 11.79 million monthly users and 7.23 million community followers. So it is certain that TON is one of the most monthly played game which is going to distribute airdrop.
So all TON Station players are wondering When will its $SOON token be listed? I know the listing date! Let me share it with you with official proof!
TON Station Airdrop Listing Date
People are spreading rumors online about the listing date of TON Station that the $SOON token will be listed in the end of October. But let me tell you that this is completely fake information.
The listing of TON Station’s $SOON token will happen at the end of next month i.e. November, but what’s the proof? TON Station shared this post on its official Telegram announcement channel on 10 October:
Why stick with $SOON? ☺️
TGE coming & I can give you a million reasons. No, actually, 7.5 million reasons!
It’s going to be epic!
💵 7,500,000$ TOTAL FDV AT TGE
😉 100% SUPPLY ON DAY 1
💰 NO VCs
🚨Every $SOON token is 🟰 💎
If you look at the first line, it is written there TGE in End Of November, which means Token Generation Event, going to happen next month.
More Details about the $SOON Token’s TGE
Now let’s know what will happen in TON Station’s $SOON token listing:
- Listing On Top Exchanges: TON Station claims that their $SOON token will be listed on top exchanges.
- FDV: The Fully Diluted Valuation total of TON Station token on listing will be $7,500,000.
- No Vesting and No Locks: You will not have to wait to claim your airdrop reward.
- Complete supply on 1st day: 100% of $SOON tokens will be distributed among the community players on the first day.
Why was Farming date extended in TON Station?
TON Station had set the Farming deadline as 4 October earlier, but extended it to 15 November later. This means that farming will continue till 15 Nov. and airdrops will be distributed a few days after that.
But why did the Farming Date Extended? Here’s what TON Station has said about this topic:
- Negotiation with Exchanges – TON Station is negotiating with tier 1 exchanges for high-quality listings.
- Lack of Features – They were not able to release the features they had planned, so they extended the time a little more so that they could bring those features before listing.
- Busy in New Projects – Busy working on new games released by Sidus Heroes & SuperVerse.
- Increased Partners Interest – Superverse (the partner they recently collabed with) asked for more farming time for $SOON token so that they can give extra value to their community.
- Problem with X account – There were some unexpected problems with their X account, which they needed some time to fix.
- TON Station says that they have some big news to share with you for which they need some more time.
So these are all the reasons due to which TON Station extended the farming deadline and listing will also be late due to these. But don’t worry! Whatever happens, happens for good…
TON Station Expected Price
Experts say that the expected price of TON Station’s $SOON token can be between $0.80 to $3 as this airdrop has a limited supply of tokens and strong community backing.
Suppose if the price per $SOON token is $0.80 and you also get the minimum 200 tokens in the airdrop, then you can easily make a profit of $160 (₹13,456). Which is a very good amount!
But to get so many tokens in the airdrop, you will have to boost your in-game performance, complete tasks and also refer your friends to TON station
How to join TON Station game?
To join TON Station, just click on the Play Now button given below and you will be redirected to the TON Station bot on Telegram.
Then click on the Launch or Start button and you can start playing!